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Our story...

In 2014, a little while after moving to Sayulita I had the idea to start making whisky. At the time I was cooking at the Sayulita Public House and also experimenting with curing salumi. Out of my love for pork and whisky, Cerdo Negro was born. Little did I know that it would be almost 4 years, November 2018, until I got my license and not until spring 2019 until ALL the paperwork was finished. Many people helped along the way. Some out of kindness, for which I can never thank enough, and some not so much.

From borrowing brew equipment to soldering the copper to construct the still, from legal advice and help navigating the many government offices to just plain help with EVERYTHING including encouragement and company on the uncountable trips all over Nayarit and to the immense patience when the guest bedroom turned into a distillery during the “testing” process. Everything here at Cerdo Negro has been built by hand with the attempt at using local ingredients and local labor, who kindly enough sometimes worked for whisky. I hope that you enjoy the final product as much as I’ve enjoyed making it.

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